Lemonade Recipe For Summer

Lemonade Recipe For Summer
Lemonade Recipe For Summer

 A glass of cold lemonade on a hot summer afternoon can enliven your soul. It helps to refresh you and start working again with full vigor.

To enjoy it you need to make a syrup first. You can easily make the syrup at home and keep it cool for later use.

You can collect juice from some lemons and just freeze the juice. Next for the intense lemon scent, you can use a fresh lemon slice and just add.


     1 cup sugar (you can use 3/4 cup)
     1 cup water
     1 cup lemon juice
Lemonade Syrup:

Put 1 cup water, 1 cup lemon juice and 3/4 cup sugar in a pot and cook on medium heat. Once the sugar has dissolved in the water, remove from the heat. Then cool the syrup and store in the fridge.

Method of preparation:

Combine lemon juice, syrup and cold water in desired proportions. You can add some mint leaves for better flavor.

Serve with ice, chopped lemon.

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